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Shown across the internet and embedded into new textbooks, Earth has experienced the highest level of carbon dioxide in parts per million since 800,000 years ago. As the trend continues, carbon dioxide emissions are hitting record levels every year. Countries are beginning to implement regulations, fines, and incentives to their citizens to reduce carbon emissions. In 2018, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was at 415 ppm, a record high since the last highest concentration that was seen 300,000 years ago. Today, the amount of carbon dioxide is leveled at about 424 ppm.
So What?
A saying goes, “too much of anything is bad” and this applies to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. An absolute zero amount of carbon dioxide or any greenhouse gas would also be detrimental to Earth in controlling temperatures from becoming extremely low. However, an extremely high level of carbon dioxide such as 424 ppm raises temperatures to higher levels.
Economic, social, cultural, and environmental factors are impacted when carbon dioxide emissions reach a high rate. Marine organisms become at risk of losing their shells, fisheries collapse, and governments are forced to implement regulations that may make the economic market more unstable. Together, carbon dioxide emissions have a large, global impact on humanity and Earth as a whole.
Large Solutions for Large Problems
People are often taken back by the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the trends that follow from the current emission rates. Nevertheless, there are numerous ways you and everyone around you can help mitigate the issue. Simply using less heat/cooling systems is a beneficial and cheaper way to reduce carbon emissions. In addition, a more costly, yet effective manner to decrease emissions is by switching to solar alternatives for energy. The following below is a list for ways to reduce your carbon footprint:
Reduce running the heater/air conditioning in your home.
Install shower heads that consume less water.
Create passive solar solutions in your home.
Plant more trees, shrubs, and shade-providing plants.
Install windows that make best use of sunlight.
Install solar panels on your house.
Carpool or take public transportation for work.
Avoid unnecessary travels in your vehicle.
Purchase an electric or hybrid vehicle.
Advise others about the harms of carbon emissions.
Use lights that are energy efficient and conserve energy.
Turn off lights that are not being used.
Unplug chargers and other chords when not used.
Join a carbon-neutral interest group or organization.
Donate to organizations that are striving for carbon neutrality.
Lobby government officials to regulate carbon emissions.
Vote for officials that have carbon neutrality on their agenda.
Support businesses that use eco-friendly procedures.
Buy products from companies that are trying to reduce carbon emissions.
Carbon dioxide levels have met record high levels since 800,000 years ago. As the public is becoming more aware of this situation, people are searching for methods to reduce carbon dioxide with their everyday practices ranging from lowering air conditioning to going electric.