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Tips and Tricks

Planting a Tree
Sunset on Solar Panels

Learn the best tips and tricks for improving your carbon footprint and reducing your carbon impact.

Improving Transportation

Improve your carbon footprint through carpooling, buying electric vehicles, and using other transportation mediums when possible. If you live close to work or stores, try biking or walking to them one day. You may become more fit over time while also lowering your carbon impact!

Going Solar

If financially applicable, switching to solar panels for electricity is best for lowering carbon impact.


Increasing the effiency of household appliances can reduce your carbon impact. Using less lights, unplugging chargers, and lowering the amount of water used in your shower may help.

Educate Others

The best way to make an impact is through making direct changes and educating others with information you know. Read Carbon One's articles on how you can reduce your carbon footprint and share with others!


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